Cookie statement Beachpark39

Cookies are small text files that are placed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone by an internet page. These cookies are used to improve the functioning of this website (remembering address data in our online booking module) and monitor visits, including how many persons have visited our website during a certain period.

When monitoring, we cannot trace the cookies to a specific PC or individual, and cookies do not contain any personal information (!).

Through the browser settings on your computer you can remove cookies already installed and refuse installation of any new cookies. The way this is done is different for each browser; if necessary, consult the help function of your browser.

Current cookie setting:

Current cookies for
(except for acBP39)

Our website uses various types of cookies:
acBP39 Functional cookie. A cookie which stores whether you accept cookies (value=1) or not (value=0).

Google AnalyticsPurpose
Google Analytics is a web analysis service offered by Google Inc. Through these cookies the customer is given an insight into their website visits. Think of visitor numbers, popular pages and subjects. This way, a customer can better gear the communication to the needs of website visitors. The customer cannot see who (what PC) is visiting their website. Google can, as supplier of the service. read more..

AddThis uses cookies to monitor what websites using AddThis are visited. read more..

Besides, many more share buttons can be shown through AddThis, of Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest etc. The use of these functionalities is arranged through AddThis.

Google MapsPurpose
On some pages detailed information about us is shown using Google Maps.

Various cookies Various cookies, external applications run in so-called iframes can install cookies; e.g. Google Analytics.

This list is only an indication and is not complete, as new software, and consequently new cookies can be used continuously.